Monday, September 16, 2013

A dive into the past, time travel possible via Twitter!

Wow! Haven't written here for so long. Haven't written for so long at all. Maybe this will be rectified in the future, but for now, just a little dive into the past. I've remembered about my Twitter account that I've neglected completely and decided to get nostalgic a bit about my beginnings in the social networks posting. Surprisingly, I was pretty good. And funny. Anyway, let's dive together into the past - shall we!

"I got 1 hour of spare time and it's gonna be another one spent for the sake of others. Altruism is my downfall. Modesty is my mask. Enjoy... Aug 17, 2009"
Despite my best efforts, as usual, I missed the train to work. Now it's another hour of desolate waiting. Aug 17, 2009
Forget desolate! Seems like the oddest bunch of people gather at the station this late at night. Aug 17, 2009
Like 2 kids on the verge of teenhood whose swallowing reflexes must be faulty, as they spit constantly and proudly. Aug 17, 2009
Or 3 young ladies who voice their deep dissatisfaction with each other's love life with a very limited lexical complexity. Aug 17, 2009
Looks like it's gonna be another night-shift filled with caffeine induced jitters and emotional sensitivity. Or I could put Dimmu Borgir on. Aug 17, 2009
Wasting time is painful even when you get paid doing it. Aug 19, 2009
It's amazing how much the old resent the young. Especially, in ques to the doctor. Aug 24, 2009
I can't believe there is a video course on twittering and blogging! What's next, a course on downloading porn and online-dating? Oct 09, 2009
"Paranormal Activity" creeped me out, but didn't scare me. I felt sad for the characters, the doom of their relationship seemed so evident. Nov 12, 2009
"Hacking" the "secure" system at work and installing games brought so much joy to the girls. Dec 27, 2009
Old people are not nearly as annoying as their children. Dec 27, 2009
Sorry, wearing scarfs in Israel's so-called winter looks gay to me. Dec 27, 2009
Sometimes I egomaniacaly feel that my superior intelligence is utterly wasted. Jan 05, 2010
Too occupied with domestic life. Feeling both a worker bee and a desperate housewife. Feb 10, 2010
Today I've been THAT client. Shouting and cursing and claiming I know everything better then anyone. Know what? It worked! I got my way. Mar 01, 2010
It's so quite here at work, and I'm surrounded by females. And I'm dying to fart! ;-) Mar 07, 2010
Wearing a tight shirt can draw so much female attention! I forgot what it's like, wearing sweaters all winter. Better stay fit. Mar 08, 2010
I wonder why every time I visit a certain friend, he feels the need to serve me an expensive alcoholic beverage. Mar 13, 2010
I was asked how can me and my wife have dinner while watching "Spartacus". Sex, violence and CGI blood - what's better to open the appetite. Mar 13, 2010
It seems our country is run by clowns. Not the good scary kind. The bad one, that makes us want to punch them in the balls to get a laugh. Mar 14, 2010 
Wow! 5 Russian speaking persons around me, and none knows proper Russian! I asked one little question and 5 people are arguing for an hour! Mar 21, 2010
Another mass slaughter in Africa- nobody cares.But a jew sneezes on an arab in Jerusalem-all over the news with UN & Europe against it. Mar 28, 2010
The right radicals angry me! The left radicals angry me! The ones in between with no opinions infuriate me even more! Apathy is the worst! Apr 15, 2010
"Before I read the newspaper I was uninformed, now after reading it I'm misinformed. Which is better?" - Emerald City Confidential Apr 16, 2010
I don't shout at people. I lecture in high volume. May 06, 2010
Overheard a female co-worker: Now that I'm pregnant-I'm gonna make my husband even more miserable. Hm,wonder why men fear pregnancy so much. May 06, 2010
By Palestinian claims, one could think Gaza's population consists of women and children only.Or that IDF's weapons smartly target only them. Jun 01, 2010
The horror stories those Gaza Flotila so-called eyewitnesses tell are straight out of Hollywood. Or should I say Pallywood. Jun 02, 2010
I think those flotila "survivors" forgot to mention the IDF soldiers had vampire teeth and horns. And that they laughed while shooting. Jun 02, 2010
No one will question why that mother took her child on that flotila, as long as she tells how scared she was for his well-being from IDF. Jun 02, 2010
This whole int. reaction looks like pre-planned well rehearsed stage production. And we are morons for playing along. Jun 02, 2010
No such thing as chaos. Order is everywhere. Sometimes seen and sometimes - not yet. Jun 03, 2010
A girl on the train, with most of her undies showing under an excuse of a skirt, to a friend: "Shame! Your bra is out, you slut!" Summer... Jun 16, 2010
A co-worker: Remember you said they don't take care of us here? Well, they brought us a new toaster! Yeah, but they took away the microwave. Jun 16, 2010
I keep hearing that Twitter is a useless waste of time. Well, so is socializing attempts with most of humanity. Naively, we still doing it. Jun 20, 2010
A strange benefit of using the public transportation - lots of walking. Haven't walked that much in the last 3 years. Aug 02, 2010
One day at the new workplace and I have no idea about its technical configuration, but well versed in its inner politics. Aug 03, 2010
People who look like idiots - usually are. Frustratingly so. Aug 03, 2010
I know that's low and shallow of me, but some people I see on the bus range from beyond ugly to grotesquely disfigured and back. Freaky! Aug 04, 2010
There's some nostalgic warm feeling in coming home in a bus, late evening, when it's dark. An echo of some event from the childhood... Aug 04, 2010
The job of putting the kid to sleep is exclusively mine now. Tried bedtime stories and songs. He didn't care much. All he wanted was a hug. Aug 04, 2010
The sky hatefully watches me, its burning gaze melting my insides into liquid. Unleash your wrath already and finish it! Aug 09, 2010
Nothing beats a smile from a sleeping kid after you discreetly kiss him on a cheek. Aug 09, 2010
Creative stagnation. My mind is empty. Drained of vision. Mundane shell. Passive. Lethargic. Careless. Dead. Cold. Imaginary. Forgotten... Aug 17, 2010