Yesterday my girlfriend called me and said she's having a "mind degradation" at her place of work. It sounded so funny. I asked what does she mean by that, expecting to hear that the routine of her work was causing her mind to "fall asleep". Apparently, it was that and... the people she works with. She told me that she is sick of hearing all the girls at her work, talking about such trivialities like clothes, and clothes' brand's, and sizes, and colors, and prices, and... nothing much else. When she tried to provoke a little bit more serious discussion by picking a really provocative subject i.e. the last week's Gay Parade in Jerusalem - she was shocked to discover the ignorance on the subject was vast and deep. Some suggested the gays should be guaranteed as they have a decease that can be infectious (little children are apparently more receptive then others), other claimed that homosexuality is caused by excessive drinking and drugs, and some said it was a rebellious phase that children never grew out of. Now, opinions for and against aside, homosexuality (the term that covers both sexes, and not just men) is a genetic disorder, and the only choice such people have is whether to act on their nature or hide it. It is not a decease, and even if it can be describes as such, then it is not curable, at least not now. Perhaps, when genetic engineering will become more prevalent, this genetic disorder will be fixed and a perfect Aryan race will be born. Anyway, when my girlfriend explained that to them - they were in total shock and told her she is being TOO SMART for her own good. And that she know too much NEEDLESS information. Then they resorted to their girlish talk about such needful information as clothes and such. My girlfriend felt saddened and for a moment she actually considered their words. That perhaps, all her knowledge is a barrier between her and the rest of the workers. And that perhaps she should too get more interest in trivial nonsense for the sake of not being alone and being able to converse with her keen. I talked her out of this, of course.
But it saddens me as well, to discover that ignorance and stupidity (not just on subject of homosexuality, of course) is so prevalent in our society, that it's actually pushing smarter and more knowledgeable people to join its dubious ranks.
But it saddens me as well, to discover that ignorance and stupidity (not just on subject of homosexuality, of course) is so prevalent in our society, that it's actually pushing smarter and more knowledgeable people to join its dubious ranks.
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