I've stumbled upon this very nice band called frighteningly "Mors Principium Est" on some Metal website and liked the artwork. Then I read it was a Melodic Death Metal band from Finland, which ignited my interest even more. The Finns really know how to make heavy and brutal yet extremely melodic music which always sits well with me. So I looked it up and got the whole "Liberation=Termination" album. One hearing was enough for me to place it firmly in my Sansa MP3 Player's playlist.
First of all, as always with the Finns - the production is top notch! Very clear sound and good mixing of all the instruments.
Second, these guys don't play Melodic Death Metal for real. They sound more like a softer version of the latest Arch Enemy or like what Children Of Bodom would sound like, if they stopped worshiping their keyboardist and actually tried to write some original material instead of re-cycling their old one ad infinity. The solos and most of the riffing has a distinct Heavy/Power Metal element to them that differentiates the band from other Melodic Thrash/Death Metal acts.
And third, the band tried and succeeded to blend some really trance-like electronic sounds into their songs without them ever stand apart! Other bands tried, but while The Kovenant turned into a dance club and ...And Oceans could harmonize the Death Metal brutality with the Trance upbeat sound, these guys were victorious. You can hear that something is "wrong" but can't quite put your finger on it, until the moments where the trance gets solo and then you realize it was there all along, intertwined with the general sound.
One complain though... The song structure is very similar in all the tracks on the album which is good if you put it as a background to something, but gets boring and monotonous if you there to just listen to it.
Recommendations: "The Animal Within" with its almost Goa-like intro and "Lost Beyond Retrieval" a very atmospheric instrumental that never leaves your head afterwards.
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